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Qualifying Life Event

What is a qualifying life event?

Usually, changes to many employee benefits plans can only be done during Open Enrollment. Under IRS rules, you must pay the same amount of premium each month during the year, unless you experience a qualifying life event (QLE). A QLE is a personal change in status which may allow you to change your benefit elections. Documentation is required and varies depending on the event. Changes must be made within 30 days of the event. QLEs which end eligibility, such as divorce, must be reported immediately.

What do I need to do if I have a life event?

Email to begin the process. Please email as close to the event date as possible. You only have 30 days from the date of the event to submit the substantiating documentation listed above and complete the process in UKG.

What are examples of life events and documents?

Qualifying Life Event Documentation Required
Marriage (of policyholder or dependent) Copy of valid marriage license or certificate (of policyholder or dependent child)
Divorce Copy of the divorce degree showing that the divorce is final
Birth of child/ Adoption Copy of child's certificate of birth/ copy of adoption papers
Adding coverage for any other child who resides with policyholder Copy of court-ordered guardianship papers 
Open Enrollment under dependent's employer Letter from dependent's employer stating termination or start date of insurance, and dependents affected
Death of dependent  Copy of death certificate
Beginning of dependent's employment Letter from dependent's employer stating the hire date, effective date of insurance, what coverage(s) were added, and what dependents are covered
End of dependent's employment Letter from the dependent's employer stating the termination date, what coverage(s) were lost, and what dependents were covered
Change from full-time to part-time employment or vice versa for dependent Letter from employer (same as beginning/end of employment depending on add/loss status)